• UNICC-United Nations International Computing Centre"
  • FAO-Food and Agriculture Orgnization
  • ECLAC-Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • IAEA-International Atomic Energy Agency
  • ICAO-International Civil Aviation Organization
  • IFAD-International Fund for Agricultural Development
  • ILO-International Labour Organization
  • PAHO-Pan American Health Organization
  • UN-United Nations Headquarters
  • UNCED-International Institute for Sustainable Development
  • UNCITRAL-United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
  • UNTPDC-Trade Point Development Centre
  • UNDCP-United Nations International Drug Control Programme
  • UNDHA-UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs
  • UNDP-United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • DPCSD-United Nations Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development
  • UNECE-UN Economic Commission for Europe
  • UNEP-United Nations Environment Programme (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • UNEP-United Nations Environment Programme (Geneva, Switzerland)
  • CEDAR-Central European Environmental Data Request Facility
  • IETC-International Environmental Technology Centre
  • UNFPA-United Nations Population Fund
  • UNHCR-United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UNIDO-United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  • BINAS-Biosafety Information Network and Advisory Servers
  • United Nations Office at Vienna
  • United Nations Security Council
  • UNU-United Nations University
  • UNV-United Nations Volunteers
  • World Bank
  • WHO-World Health Organization
  • WIPO-World Intellectual Property Organization
  • WMO-World Meteorological Organization
  • WTO-World Trade Organization

  • Europa
  • European Consumer Guide to the Single Market
  • ECHO-European Commission Host Organisation
  • I'M Guide
  • Eurostat
  • Eur-OpOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities
  • The European Parliament
  • ISPO-The Information Society Project Office initiative
  • ECRC-Electronic Commerce Resource Center Program
  • CORDIS-Community Research and Development Information Service
  • RIPE
  • TERENA-Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
  • European Union & Internet
  • AEGEE-Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe
  • Europole
  • Euroinfo
  • Britain in the European Union
  • European Documentation Centre
  • European Union Sites
  • Federal Trust
  • Paneuropa-Deutschland Magazine
  • FAQ - European Union Basics
  • Index - EuroInternet
  • European Union Basics
  • EUINTERNET (Valencia)
  • Eurolink: A Pan-European Index
  • European Country Maps

  • EU-InfoBroker
  • European Patent Office (EPO, Vienna)
  • European Commission Host Organization - free of charge access to more than 20 online databases in all Community languages
  • European Union Public Databases (EUROBASES, Luxembourg): access to the public databases of the European Union: ABEL, CELEX, ECLAS, EUROCRON, INFO92, OIL, RAPID, SCAD, SESAME
  • Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
  • ESF-European Science Foundation
  • IEF-Research Institute for European Affairs
  • CES-Center for Critical European Studies
  • ECPR-European Consortium for Political Research
  • ECSA-European Community Studies Association
  • European Law Students Association
  • INSEAD - The European Institute of Business Administration
  • Cursos @ Europa: guide about European university courses
  • Directory of European Enterprises
  • Euristote, Eureka, Biorep, TED, Unesbib, Cordis, Jusletter, EMIRE, Eurodicautom...
  • EURODICAUTOM- the ECHO database on European acronyms and abbreviations, is much easier to access
  • Online access to the library of the European University Institute (EUI, Florence)
  • Access to the library of the Research Institute for European Affairs (IEF, Vienna)
  • WASHLaw
  • Oklahoma law
  • Chicago law
  • European Court of Human Rights - Case Law
  • European Convention on Human Rights
  • European Convention for the prevention of Torture
  • EC treaty
  • Maastricht Treaty

  • Analytical index of Community law
  • EuroDocs-Western European Historical Documents
  • Official Documents of the European Union
  • The Commission's site for documents related to the IGC 1996
  • Legal Advisory Board

  • API-American Petroleum Institute
  • NIST-National Institute of Standards & Technology
  • EIA-Electronic Industries Association
  • American Trucking Associations Management Systems Council's World Wide Web Page
  • AMWELD-American Welding Society
  • Arcnet Trade Association's
  • ARI-Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
  • ASAE
  • ASME
  • ASQC
  • Association for Information and Image Management
  • ASTM
  • Automotive Industry Action Group
  • ASC T1
  • ASC X3
  • DISA-Data Interchange Standards Association
  • ISA-Instrument Society of America
  • SMPTE-Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers
  • HIBCC-Health Industry Business Communications Council
  • HFES-Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
  • ITI-Information Technology Industry Council
  • ANSI-American National Standards Institute
  • IEEE
  • IPC:The Institute for Intereconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
  • NFPA-National Fire Protection Association
  • National Fluid Power Association
  • NISO-National Information Standards Organization
  • NSF International
  • SAE International
  • Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
  • VITA-VMEbus International Trade Association
  • SAA-Standards Australia
  • Standards Council of Canada
  • Finnish Standards Association
  • DIN
  • UNI-Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
  • JIS-Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
  • Norwegian Standards Association
  • US National Standards System Network
  • CIE-International Commission on Illumination
  • ETSI-European Telecommunications Standards Institute
  • ECMA
  • IEC-International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  • IETF-Internet Engineering Task Force
  • ISO-International Organization for Standarization
  • ITU-International Telecommunication Union WWW
  • Internet Society
  • EBU-European Broadcasting Union
  • W3C-World Wide Web Consortium
  • ASCE Committee on Metrication
  • DOE Technical Standards
  • International Communications Industries Association
  • NAFED-National Association of Fire Equipment Dealers
  • JISC-Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
  • EDF-Electricité de France
  • Coastal Ocean Modeling at the USGS
  • EROS-Earth Resources Observation Systems Data Center
  • Federal Geographic Data Committee
  • Geographic Information Systems Resource
  • PMG-Pacific Marine Geology
  • U.S. Geological Survey-Radon Page
  • United States Geological Survey
  • USGS Global Change and Climate History Program
  • USGS National Mapping Information
  • USGS Spectroscopy Lab
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
  • Centers for Disease Control
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • FedWorld
  • FDA-Food and Drug Adminstration
  • National Institutes for Health Home Page
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • SLTC-Salt Lake City Technical Center
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics Safety, Health and Working Conditions
  • Haas School of Business - University of California at Berkeley
  • Duke University Occupational and Environmental Medicine
  • LaserNet
  • MIT Health and Computers
  • National Fire Protection Association
  • University of Vermont Safety Information Resources on the Internet
  • ATSDR-Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database
  • Fisher Scientific Company Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Missing Child Cyber Search Canada
  • CNN