The components of the present real-time data acquisition system have been developed within the framework of Diploma Dissertations, undertaken in the Courses Mechanical Measurements and Advanced Nuclear Engineering II. The industrious contribution of the Mechanical Engineering Students involved is highly appreciated :
Vosinis A. (1988), Magiras Ch. (1988), Kalampalikis N. (1988), Harvatis D. (1990), Vosiniotis S. (1990), Koutsoumplis L. (1991), Almiroudis N. (1992), Mitropoulos E. (1994), Blana G. (1995), Kallinikos A. (1995), Rouni P. (1996), Angelopoulou P. (1996), Sopaki A. (1996), Delibaltadakis N. (1996).
Acknowledgements are extended to my co-workers Dr.E.P.Hinis, M.J.Anagnostakis and N.P.Petropoulos for assisting the supervision of several of the above dissertations and also for contributing to the Unix-based integration of this system. I must admit that working with them is a great pleasure.
Last -but not least- I have to acknowledge the advice, guidance and
support of the former Head of the Nuclear Engineering Section
Emeritus Professor M.G.Angelopoulos, permanently throughout my
25-year tenure in the National Technical University of Athens.